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Disk Defrag de Auslogics passe en

Par Yann

Dernière mise à jour le 21 août 2018

Le petit logiciel gratuit de défragmentation de disque proposé par Auslogics évolue une fois encore. Ainsi, une version estampillée vient de voir le jour. Comme pour les versions précédentes, le logiciel propose une interface sobre et minimaliste mais accompli néanmoins parfaitement sa tâche.

Si ce nouvel opus n’est pas une mise à jour majeure, il propose tout de même différentes améliorations et corrections.

Voici le changelog complet :

  • Added free space availability check before creating Rescue Center backups. If there is not enough free space on a disk, user has the option to abort the operation or proceed without creating a backup.
  • Fixed memory leaks, optimized code and algorithms, which improved the speed of practically every tool in the program.
  • All modules that work with hard drives were optimized to correctly process large data volumes, namely the Rescue Center will now correctly create and restore backups larger than 2 GB.
  • Made numerous corrections to language files.
  • Made numerous changes to modules’ interface to make them more convenient and easier to work with.
  • Improved reports and operation results display in response to user feedback. Now this information is easier to understand.
  • Added partial Windows 8 compatibility. Full compatibility will be implemented in BoostSpeed version 5.4
  • Improved algorithm of automatic SSD detection. This allows for more exact SSD detection and for automatic enabling of a special defrag algorithm for SSD’s.
  • Modified algorithm for system resource usage limitation, which improved overall stability of program operation.
  • Corrected all known bugs.
  • Corrected installer errors, optimized program installation and uninstallation.

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