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Sortie de Gimp 2.4.2

Par Yann

Dernière mise à jour le 8 mai 2019

L’incontournable logiciel de retouche photo gratuit est de retour au travers de l’opus 2.4.2. Cette nouvelle mise à jour corrige de nombreux bugs et les fichiers de traductions se voient également mis à jour. Aucun ajout de fonctionnalité n’est par contre au rendez-vous.

Voici les changements apportés à cette version :

  • removed broken and useless HSV Graph script (bug #491311)
  • update the histogram when a color correction tool is cancelled (bug #493639)
  • fixed a crash with certain plug-in or script descriptions (bug #492718)
  • corrected a tooltip (bug #495564)
  • fixed a crash when GIMP is run without any modules (bug #495863)
  • fixed error handling in the TIFF plug-in
  • fixed a problem with Sample points
  • fixed a crash when merging layers in indexed image (bug #495990)
  • update the histogram when painting (bug #494049)
  • fixed another problem with merge operations on indexed images (bug #496437)
  • fixed crash in TIFF plug-in when saving indexed images (bug #497103)
  • changed defaults so that a system monitor profile is only used when the
  • user explicitely enabled this feature (bug #496890)
  • fixed endless loop when running equalize on transparent areas (bug #497291)
  • fixed heap corruption in GimpColorScale widget that caused a crash in the
  • Compose plug-in (bug #399484)
  • fixed use of background color in Particle Trace script (bug #498282)
  • set the image menu insensitive when there’s no image opened (bug #498511)
  • translation updates (ca, et, it, lt, pt, pt_BR, sr, sv)

Télécharger Gimp 2.4.2

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